Chiropractic Integrated Physical Medicine
Many of Dr. Potter's patients admit their orthopedic, family, or neurologist physicians are prescribing a course of physical therapy with intentions of resolving severe pain and weakness tendencies. Typically, the patient will participate in a very costly two to six weeks of physical therapy averaging $336.00 out of pocket per visit with insurance coverage due to a large annual deductible for the majority (likely to be approved for pain management or surgical corrections) and find their pain hasn't subsided in a satisfactory way-too much cost for little help. At this point, a follow up with their doctor will usually lead to more diagnostic testing such as MRI and then pain management or surgery. Either of these are very radical approaches.
This is where physicians RARELY advise their patients to seek chiropractic physical treatment. If this sounds like your case, I urge you to reach out to us for a free consultation in order to discuss what more conservative options we can offer you in order to get control of your complaint usually in a more reasonably rapid and more affordable way.
All to often, patients are at their wits end with the poor results physical therapy, pain management, or surgical options allowed them, and then find Dr. Potter and realize they should have come here first. TOMBALL FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 444 HOLDERRIETH BLVD. #4 TOMBALL, TX 77375 281-216-8306 TEXT FOR AN APPOINTMENT