Chiropractic care during pregnancy is very necessary as Dr. Potter has helped thousands over the years to resolve the ensuing back pain and spasms that pregnancy can commonly cause. Don't hesitate to allow Dr. Potter with his expertise and experience step in and help you safely maintain a normal pregnancy which promotes a normal developing baby and a normal healthy back even when the baby is born in order to continue on with all of the day-to-day tasks of raising a child. Experience is critical in order for a Chiropractor to make proper clinical decisions when comes to Prenatal ChiroPractic Care. TEXT 281-216-8306 ASAP before damage occurs.
Attorneys are presently advising the public to file a lawsuit if their doctor recommended acetaminophen or medication that contains acetaminophen as a means of managing back pain during pregnancy as science has linked it to the cause of autistic disorders to the child. So, to manage your back pain during pregnancy this way isn't wise. It is understood the lawsuit is against the drug companies not your doctor.
ChiroPractic CARE is very conservative, safe, and promotes proper blood/OXYGEN circulation to be restored to your back muscles and nerves by resolving the choke holding muscle spasms which also supplies your baby for proper development and helps safely stop the damaging effects of the poor circulation and inflammatory attacks on your back muscles, spinal discs, nerves, and your unborn child! Try using a little common since, it is a very small amount of cramped space as it is with a baby in the pelvis directly by the low back, and realize if you're having extreme discomfort, it is likely associated with a blockage of proper circulation of the blood /oxygen volume over time, and get treatment ASAP to continue on with a healthy pregnancy as the life is in the blood-not in Acetominophen that tells the brain there is no problem by inhibiting the inflammatory cells that are suppose to alert your brain there is a problem, and you live on with lack of proper oxygen counts to your muscles and baby and then be surprised if your child has a health problem after birth!